Wednesday 15 February 2012

I should be doing a critical dissertation review

Which is obviously why I decided to blog instead. I've decided I'm allowed 20 more minutes of internet surfing, then I have to at least have a stab at this sodding review. I'm definitely not looking forward to it at all. Oh well, must press onwards to get this first that I've decided I would like, so the work has to go in somewhere right?

Anyway, exciting things have occurred today, exciting for me anyway. First up, I had the most amazing night's sleep last night. I was genuinely asleep before 00:00 I reckon, and woke up at 08:30 for my 10:00 meeting. So that was lovely, didn't even shower because I was getting a hair chop later on so figured they'd sort my hair for me.

Meeting went well, decided that we're doing a "Wonder Room" for this NUSA thing (a qualification that the uni are offering as part of a module, it also adds 10 credits to the degree and means we may get paid fieldwork in the summertime! And we were going to Southwell again anyway!) Decided that I'm going to do Roman Ritual and Religion as my theme, so I need to get all read up on that and pick out some of the more amazing stuff. I've also got to sort my posters and my pictures and all sorts of other stuff (lots of work this term)

THEN I GOT A HAIR CUT. I decided on Monday that I wanted a fringe cut in. I made a pretend one that looked like this:

it ended up looking like this
I like it. And then I had noodle bar, and that was the day that was.

Tuesday 14 February 2012


It's valentine's day today! I know a lot of people have a lot of opinions towards valentine's day, mainly because I've been subjected to these opinions all fucking day. Here are my thoughts on valentine's day:


Yes, that is correct. I am entirely neutral towards the festival to be perfectly honest with you. Literally the worst thing about valentine's day is people and their bleeding opinions. How about if you disagree with it, this is just a thought mind you, try and treat it just like any other day. Because let's face it, for a lot of people, myself included, it is just that. Just another Tuesday in our calendar year. And therefore not actually directly harmful to you or your kin.
Here I am, writing about valentine's day. I swore I wouldn't do it, but I seem to be able to actually concoct logical sentences about the subject, who knew?
Basically my beef is with people with beef. I do not, here, refer to this kind of beef though.

So guys, this is a steak bouquet

Yep, the butcher figured "Lady GaGa did it with a dress, I'll do flowers!" to be fair, it is the most logical conclusion to come to.

Exams were over ages ago, probably around the time I stopped blogging properly (I've had an odd couple of weeks) But that was then, and this is now and I have all my results back. Yeah, okay they weren't the best run of results ever, I'm averaging around 62% with a couple of 53% marks bringing me down a little. GOTTA FLY, WILL FINISH LATER.

Okay, left at 18:30, back for 22:22. Yeah, I was chatting about my exam results. As I said, I could definitely do a lot better, but considering my revision habits this term, the fact I passed all of my modules is truly quite stunning. Congratulations to me. I got those back yesterday, and life has spiralled out of control since then. This is a very melodramatic statement. But some things happened and it put me in a bad mood for a grand total of 10 minutes after we got back from the cinema.
These are the things that happened. some where good, others less so:
Walked to campus, saw a jay on cripps hill, saw two pigeons having a bath in a pond, and a squirrel eating a nut in a low branch of a tree.
20 minute meeting to be told "go find another book with better artefacts" and had to photocopy a bunch of these pages for people, though my group for the most part are pretty easy to get along with.
Walked home.
Hurt foot in doing so.
Period pains.
Booked hairdressers.
Had caesar salad.
Sainsbury's shopping.
Unloaded shopping, tried to make small second lunch.
Toast and Peppa Pig spaghetti (YES IT EXISTS!!!!)
Someone had been arsing about with the toaster, so I cremated the bread accidentally and got angry.
Tried to scrape off burn, ended up tossing the slices (And it was tiger bread)
Angrily tried to cut self new piece. Sliced finger open instead.
Ate spaghetti, bread (yeah I finished cutting it eventually).
Desperate Housewives.
Underground Rebel Bingo tickets bought.
Very intense foot pain. VERY INTENSE.
Bad mood.
Stubbed toe.
Chuntering to myself.
Upstairs to sort papers and chat with Poppy.
Finish blog with shitty list because I cba.

I'm sorry, like I said, poor mood. Not quite right for blogging. And I say poor mood, don't be alarmed. It's by no means a bad mood, it's probably top-end average for most people, but relatively with comparison to my normal mood it's not the best ever.

I wanna curl up in bed now, which I will do soon. Early night for Louise! Will be super refreshed in the morning, and hopefully whatever ails my foot will have disappeared :)

Friday 3 February 2012

Aw look, seeing as I've just posted a link to this blog on my tumblog I thought I would do you guys a wee update. No, that isn't an update on my wees (although I did just go, how exciting!) it's just a little update because I've not re-heeeeally got that much to tell you. It's friday. I've missed 3 hours of lectures this week, and it's only first week so that really isn't very good, is it?

Yep, missed 2nd Rise and Origins of Aegean Civilisation lecture yesterday at 13:00 to come home and try to sleep off the massive brain-fog I had going on (not too sure if it was all that successful) and then ordered Pizza Hut, with special request to knock a tune on the door (HE ACTUALLY DID IT TOO!) and settled down to watch Bridesmaids, which I have to say is BLOODY HILARIOUS. Favourite scene, gotta be the food poisoning one, especially at the end when Lillian is in the middle of the road. HERE'S A TASTER (if that's what you wanna call it, considering the content.)
don't worry, it's not graphic!

I meant to have an early night last night as I'm going to London to see Charlotte for her birthday in a couple of hours! But ended up awake till 02:00 :( that however, was not the reason for me missing my 2 hour lecture on Archaeological Ceramics, I blame that entirely on the Nottingham Transport system, not one, but two number 34 buses passed me at the stop and refused to pick me up. Too full you see, and I'd left it too late to get over to campus, I would have been about forty minutes late or something ridiculous. (that's a lie, I'd have been half an hour late at most...) But yeah, I didn't go to that one either, three 9ams in a row was just too much for me to handle I guess. 

Now I'm just sat in my room, mostly chilling, stressing a little about London, especially as Charlotte hasn't text me back to say she'll get me from the train station, potentially very awkward if I just end up stood in St Pancras for 3 hours waiting. YOU BETTER NOT LET ME DOWN BUDDY. God knows you've done it before. Maybe not quite on this magnitude, but fingers crossed all will go well. And I won't get mugged/killed/raped/end up addicted to crack and selling myself on the mean streets of London. I need to go rescue my jeans from the dryer/put them in for another hour. We'll see. Then I might have a nap, so I'm not knackered tonight. Should be good really, I'm excited.

AND I NEED TO REMEMBER TO POST THIS LETTER, AND BUY SOME SHERRY FOR PRE-DRINKS. Ahah, yes, I drink sherry, I am in fact an eighty year old woman. I smell like mothballs and L'Air du Temps.

This is a stupid post, sorry guys, my coherency has dropped somewhat, I wonder why...

Monday 30 January 2012

Good Morning, all

...if we can call it that. Today is of course Monday, 30th January, and thereby my first day back at lectures for the year 2012. Well, wow; hasn't time just completely flown by? I've just had a full week off university, and I can say quite honestly that I need another week at least. I'm in quite the paradox you see, because I find that I get unfeasibly bored when I've got nothing to do. As I lamented yesterday "I need a hobby other than sleeping!!", a statement that's definitely true, after I went to bed at 5AM, got up for an hour at 13:30, then went back to sleep till 17:30; culminating the evening's festivities with a very early 22:45 bedtime. I was tuckered out man, too many late nights and too much fun to be had.

It's been a busy weekend, picking up a friend on Friday afternoon, houseparty Friday night, housemates' friends/significant others over for the weekend. It's been pretty crazy, so I guess looking at it that way, the sleeping wasn't that much of a bad thing. I was just trying to save my brain from permanent neurological trauma (not because the visitors are traumatic, just because it's a lot of people to be spending time with.)

I was meant to go see War Horse with everybody last night, but one-by-one people flaked out on me, so I ended up in the attic watching Johnny English 2 and perusing my housemate's new youtube channel. The channel created solely to house videos he and his friends found amusing. It's a pretty good idea really, I might have to have a playlist on my channel too. I may even make a new channel, mine has such a lame username. I'll maybe look into changing the name first, because I have a lot of video views I don't want to lose (I need all the ones I can get really).

Have a couple of links, I'm sometimes relatively amusing on one or both of these mediums.

And that is all for now! Au revoir, Goslings.

Thursday 26 January 2012

Ok, to sound whiney

No-one comments at all? Or follows.
Does anyone even look at this drivel or am I just talking to myself?



I know that's a weird title, but I couldn't think of anything so that's what's written on the mug of tea I just finished.

Ahoy mateys, I have got a right treat in store for you guys today; so batten down the hatches and lash your socks to your ankles for I have a fairly lee-heeengthy photoset coming up right after this note from our coordinator (flashes dazzly tele-sales smile).

Basically my friend and I went into lovely, lovely Nottingham (so lovely I put it twice) yesterday to go shopping. We've finished our exams, and get frightfully bored sitting round watching people play Skyrim, noblest of games (heh, super). Essentially we just thought, "well, we've shit-all to do, we went food shopping yesterday, let's go fun shopping today!" And so we did. Now I'm not saying money can buy you fun, but money can almost certainly buy you fun. Or it can at least make sure that you don't go into a swoon when you make the very sensible, executive decision to buy a pair of jeans in Topshop a size down from the pair you got a mere two months previously at £36 a pop.
AVAST! ye slobberin' sea dogs, behold the swag!
£20 Boots voucher spent. Wearing the purple one now, looks neat.

Fancy-dress dress for tomorrow, sexy Zebras or what.

New skinnies :) Topshop £36 (luv u student discount)

Monsoon shorts, £10.50 in the sale!!!!!!1212!!1!!!"!1!

These bad boys set me back about £60 in total. Sheesh, bitchez be trippin', I got cash to burn clearly. Not that I would burn it, that would be most unwise.
Anyway, as my friend pointed out on our little ramble about Lenton Rec this afternoon, it was such a serene shopping experience. We both got really lovely stuff (she hit Monsoon in a big way, summer dress and little black skirt? yes plz. And that holey top, holy holey Topshop top.), and when we tried on stuff that looked shit, or didn't fit right, it was just funny. Rather than emotionally devastating as shopping can sometimes be.

And we put in the bitchingest meal ever at lunch time, slow cooked pork with leeks, celery, sweet potato, pepper, onion, mushroom and carrot. Has there ever been a more veg filled pot bubbling merrily away in that kitchen? I sincerely doubt it. I am looking forward to tucking into that SO BLOODY MUCH. I can't even convey my excitement to you to be perfectly frank.

Aight, gonna hit up ma vlog, which you can catch here and then settle into a book I think, I haven't read for a fair while really! Shameful I know.
Also here's my twitter. I sometimes post things that are bare hilars.

And I just remembered. Please bear in mind that the way I talk on my blog isn't necessarily how I would type or talk in a conversation. I'm being funny because it's bare hilars.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

A duck walked up to a lemonade stand...

Here's the video for THAT song:

I love this little guy, I showed my friend the video once and he referred to it as "the most atrocious thing he'd ever witnessed" so if you haven't seen it, check it out! But of course, as always there is an ulterior motive. That's right, I re-found the game "Lemonade Stand" and have been playing it on and off since 10pm yesterday. It is SUCH A COOL GAME and one that my housemate and I have attributed our increased swearing to; be warned, it can make you quite irate!
I thoroughly encourage you to play though, the first 2 times I did yesterday I bankrupted myself... I forgot you could charge a fair ol' whack for a little glass of lemonade.
give them bitches lemonade, bitchez love lemonade
Yeah, I've been quite preoccupied with this, especially last night when it pretty much became the best thing I'd ever encountered in my life ever. Like I said, it's the kind of game that can make you a little tetchy though, so unless you've got an amazing control over your potty-mouth then don't play near little kids!

We've been to Sainsbury's this afternoon to grab provisions for the week ahead and do you know how expensive stuff is now?! £1.95 for a bag of peppers! I swear to god they used to be £1, and you could get 3 for that price, now it's all two quid for stuff and I just don't like it. There's something really lovely about buying veggies, or anything for that matter, that's one singular pound. We also bought a tonne of baking ingredients because it's one of the housemate's birthdays, we're baking a cake! Come Saturday this house will be literally bouncing with guests and happiness and ganache. You just wait.